Archive | January 2012

Pet Portraits for a Great Cause…

Check out this great opportunity!  Fun and for a great cause, too!

Puppies galore!

We have some adorable puppies to share with you today!  Enjoy!

First up is Macy, a beautiful golden retriever pup.

Next we have Wrigley, a precious pug. Wrigley loved posing for pictures!

Look at Gunner!  He is a teensy, tiny tea-cup chihuahua!  Cute!!

Now we have Harley, a darling schnauzer!  Look at those long lashes!

Next up is Solomon.  He is a fluffy and oh-so-friendly great pyraneese.

Last, but certainly not least, we have Misty Morning!  She is a stunning standard poodle!

More precious pictures to come!  Be sure and check back soon!

More on Preventive Care

An ounce of prevention…..

At Community Veterinary Clinic, we preach prevention!  We see sick, injured, and aged pets with problems that could not be prevented; however, we commonly see clients with their beloved pets suffering from issues that could have been prevented.

Preventive medicine is the best course to keep your pet healthy and your healthcare costs low.

Key Components of Preventive Care:

1. Annual or semi-annual check ups

Pets age seven times faster than we do.  Going to see your doctor every seven years would certainly not seem excessive.  With older pets, we like to see them every six months.

2. Appropriate vaccinations to protect your pet

3. Parasite protection, including heartworms for dogs and cats, intestinal parasites (some of which YOU can get), and flea protection in warm months.

4. Routine dental care includes appropriate diet, dental chews, home care, and teeth cleanings with fluoride treatments.

5. Senior Preventive Care

 The key to senior pet care is early detection.  Pets cannot tell us how they feel, but diagnostic testing can.  Comprehensive screening tests are recommended for pets over seven years of age and alerts us to changes in their overall health status.  It identifies problems not yet seen on the physical exam.  The early detection of disease can drastically extend the life of your pet.  This broad screening for many problems is simple, safe, and provides better health for your pet.

During a senior preventive care exam, the doctor takes a complete blood count, blood chemistries, thoracic radiographs, and a urinalysis.

Test                                        Screens for

CBC                                Infection, Anemia, Some Cancers

Blood Chemistry         Organ Dysfunction, Diabetes, Thyroid Disease

Urinalysis                     Kidney Disease, Metabolic Disease

EKG                               Heart Disease, Metabolic Disturbance

Chest X-ray              Heart Disease, Cancer, Pulmonary Disease

A Lifetime of Good Health Starts Today!

Community Veterinary Clinic — Piqua

 We have some fun pets to share with you.  These cuties visit our Piqua location.

First up is a hairless sphynx feline.  What a beauty!

Now, check out this precious dog.  His little human friend was being creative and decided to do a little painting.  Very patriotic!  We love it!

Calming the Fearful Pet

Hi, I am Sara, the head Veterinary Technician with Community Veterinary Clinic.  I conduct dog training classes and also do behavior consultations for dogs and cats.  Our goal at Community Veterinary Clinic is to exceed your customer service expectation.  Because of stress, that can be more difficult for our canine and feline patients.  Our staff and doctors are mindful of efforts to make each visit a happy one.  We offer treats so your pet will associate us with good things.  We speak softly, move slowly, and avoid stressors so your pet can be as comfortable as possible.

There are some things that you can do to help your pet feel more comfortable coming to our hospital.  Please understand that dogs are born with the instinct to look at their world judging “what is and isn’t safe.”  You can learn to recognize when your dog is afraid of something.  Fear, anxiety and stress will make your dog crouch down and move backwards.  Sometimes only the head will go down or turn sideways and the eyes will avert downward.  You may even see the whites of your dog’s eyes.  These are all signs your dog is feeling fearful.  By evaluating your pet’s stress level, you can help him through difficult situations.

What Can I Do?

Set up a good, positive reinforcement relationship with your pet by obedience training or teaching a trick, then rewarding him with a tasty treat.  You are creating a situation where your pet is looking to your for instruction and reinforcement and starting to view you as “safe.”  This is the key to calming fears.  If you, the owner, are not considered “safe” to your pet, then he will try to keep himself safe by what we call climbing the ladder of fear and/or aggression.

If your dog is afraid of something, a car ride or our office, fear escalates.  Work with him doing a trick or obedience training and positively reward him with really tasty treats.  You are turning a fearful situation into a positive one.

Bring some really tasty treats with you to the office and give to your dog.  He will associate a visit with wonderful treats, less stress, less anxiety, and a happy experience.

Brining your cat in a cozy carrier will greatly reduce stress levels during the car ride.

Is there something I shouldn’t do?

Never drag your pet towards the scary thing.

Never punish a fearful pet.


Any questions?   Let us know in the comments section!